What is the Age Requirement for Painting Events in Nashville, TN?

Are you looking to attend a painting event in Nashville, TN? If so, you'll need to be aware of the age requirements for these events. At Ingram and Martin's ArtQuest galleries, admission is free for members and guests under the age of 18; however, admission to the gallery is mandatory for those who are not already members. For our family and children's events, which are usually held in the morning and evening, we welcome all painters over 6 years old. For all other events starting at 18:00 or later, the minimum age requirement is 15 years old.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow participants to bring babies, toddlers, or children under 6 years of age to our painting events. If this happens during a class, we'll be happy to give you a discount at the store so you can come at another time that's more comfortable for you or convert your seat into a Twist at Home kit. Please note that we cannot allow you to share a canvas with several painters. So if you're looking to attend a painting event in Nashville, TN, make sure you know the age requirements beforehand. We welcome all painters over 6 years old to our family and children's events, and for all other events starting at 18:00 or later, the minimum age requirement is 15 years old.

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